Principal For The Day

It would be awesome, radical, cool, sick, nice, epic, super, superb, totally rad, to be principal for the day! First off all it is very hard to become principal it requires many years of formal education and advanced degrees. Being the principal is very difficult it is basically like being the president but just for a school. They need to make sure that all the students and staff are safe they also need to be prepared in case of emergencies they have to deal with hundreds of kids they also need to have a great personality because they are dealing with kids with different ethnicities and some principles even take the time to memorize some of the kids names. If I were principal for the day I would serve pizza for lunch because we have not had pizza for lunch in forever the last time the school had pizza for lunch was like a year ago. Then at the end of the day there will be a movie and everyone is welcome without any ticket that costs money and there will be snacks like popcorn, candy, chips, and drinks.

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